Monday, July 28, 2008

Is the Assembly Health Committee against Presumed Consent?

The Welsh Assembly Health and Wellbeing Committee after months of deliberation will report this week on the Inquiry into presumed consent for Organ Donation. This followed our Petition to the Petitions Committee in November 2007 and the Kidney Wales Foundation Petition of July 2007 accepted by Val Lloyd AM.

It is more than likely that the Committee will not be brave enough to seek Presumed Consent for Wales through a Legislative Competence Order (advice provided allows Wales to do so).It will be interesting to see how well known proponents of the change do vote as we cannot see some AMs being happy with abandoning principles of the need for presumed consent.

It is more likely that the Report will fudge the issue. It will need the bravery of leadership from a Minister to take this subject forward.

Those who are against presumed consent cloud issues with reference to implementing the Organ Donation Taskforce report. Not difficult in Wales but costly in England.We will take forever to do it as we in Wales will need to wait for England.

Watch this space and see what People Like Us think on Wednesday of the Committee's deliberations.

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